Now available also for Slide by Sancheski surfskates !


It greatly expands your surfskating terrain.
Enjoy the downhills you would not dare before. 

Somebody had to MAKE IT!

you can have it

On usual streets, during a descent where others start to continuously slowing down doing slides or foot brakes you can still enjoy cruising at comfortable speed.

 JP Marlow

It does not slow you down when pushing or going slow and moreover it can be completely disabled or enabled in 5 secs.

Linda Grischa

Comfortable speed is a speed when you still can jump off from the skateboard and your board will not get back under your feet. This system does both things for you.

Janko Mrkvicka


you will not need
to carry your board
on every steeper downhill
if you have the Posera Wheel.

have it now