How does it work?
Very well, thank you for asking. :-)

For who it is intended?
Not for downhill Pro riders, they laugh. :-)
If you are an ordinary rider, living on hilly surroundings and wanting to:
- ride without sliding on every second turn
- save your shoe soles
- dance on your longboard but the only street is too steep
- go with dog
- use your skateboard for commuting in a business attire
- teach children riding
- go shopping

What magic is behind this miracle?
The same priciple was used for decelerating Shinkansen express train.

Why should I want to limit my speed?
When you ride narow streets in hilly towns and villages you will understand the benefit.

Can I slide?
Definitelly. It even goes easier you can learn sliding sooner.

Can it ruin my riding style?
None of the riders can confirm that. You can still ride as you are used to including radical maneveurs.

How can I increase the braking response?
Mount another set on the front right truck. 

Can I decrease the braking response?
You can decresase it to one half. 

Can you feel it that it is braking on only one side?
Absolutely not.

Can you feel any kick when it starts decelerating?
The onset of braking is totally smooth, you don't feel it at all.

Can it be mounted on any skateboard?
Originally it was developed for Carver skateboards, then we adopted Slide surfskates. The shape of the wheel is important. There are products for Viking and Walzen wheels available as well.
We are ready for your suggestions.

Can it be mounted on any Carver wheel?
On wheels called RoundHouse 70mm and 75mm.

Can it be mounted on any Slide wheel?
On wheels called Sharp-angled profile 70mm.

Is the "Skateshop pack" intended to be used only by skateshops?
You can buy this pack for your friends or family. The thing is if you want to have fun, you want to do it with your friends or loved ones, so why not to be awarded?

Can I mount it myself?
Girlies do it in 10minutes, including nail polishing.

Can I see a video?
Check our YouTube channel